Citizen Kane’s: Sugar and Spice is everything so nice?

Two Friday’s ago Joe, my husband, and I went out on a double date with our good friends Mark and Patti. We had been trying to arrange a double date at Citizen Kane’s in Kirkwood for a while. They are known for having wonderfully seasoned steak. I was the first of us all to arrive, as I came straight from work.  I valeted my car, it is complimentary :). When you first walk in, they have two coat racks for you to hang your coat. So I hung up my coat and made my way to the bar. I sat at the bar for a few minutes, the bartender walked past me three times before greeting me.  The bar only had 2 other guys my age sitting at it, but had  6 other people sitting at the bar tops. I ordered a glass of Red Zinfandel, Shooting Star, it was one of the specials for the evening. I had about thirty minutes to wait before everyone was supposed to be there, and was hungry so I asked for some bread to tide me over.  The butter looked pretty :). The bread did not taste fresh, was dry, and barely warm. I was really hungry though, and ate most of it :P. IMG_2502 When Joe, Mark, and Patti arrived we were taken to our table. Our table was tucked away in a little corner. It was perfect for us all. There were black and white portraits on the wall and a leather table cloth on the table.

Patti brought in a bottle of Proseco for us all to share. They did not charge a corkage fee, which was really nice of them. We excitedly all talked about our day and were just chatting it up when our server came by to greet us. He saw the bottle of Champagne, and said he would be right back with the glasses for us. Over 10 minutes passed before he came back with a bucket with ice but no glasses. It was over 15 minutes before we got our wine glasses. So already we were getting a little agravated with our service, but once we got our champagne glasses  we soon forgot about it. Patti and Mark love Citizen Kane’s and go frequently, whereas this was Joe and I’s first time there. We let our friends pick the appetizers, and started with the sauteed mushrooms, and shrimp. While the appetizers were cooking, bread was brought to the table. It was not very good again, and Patti said something to our server about it. He brought us another loaf fairly quickly, and it was much better.  Can I just say….. my mouth is still watering from the mushrooms. The flavor of the mushrooms was absolutely delicious.  They were cooked in a butter garlic sauce.We all could not get enough.


We saved the sauce from the shrimp and the mushrooms to dip our bread in, the sauce was that good. We just could not let it go to waste.  Our salads were brought out not too long after. I ordered the house salad with a red vinaigrette dressing, and Joe got the caesar salad. The salad dressing on mine was  incredible! It made my taste buds get excited! I did not think the caesar salad had too much flavor, and was happy with my choice. I love when something has so much flavor it awakens your whole mouth 🙂 hmmmm

Several times, our server and or another employee at Citizen Kane’s kept trying to take our plates, while we were still eating from them. It was really annoying, especially when our entrees came. I had a few bites left of my salad, and our server tried to take my plate. Then when I said I was still working, he waited impatiently for me to finish so he could take it. I scarfed down the last few bites of my salad and was given my filet. We also ordered a bottle of Jordan, a 2010 Cabernet, wine to have with dinner. Our server brought the bottle to the table and asked if we would like to sample it, and was going to pour our glasses after. It was a nice enough bottle of wine that it should sit in a decanter before before being served. My husband had to ask him for one. I might sound snooty here, but when you go to a nice restaurant and order a decent priced wine that is deserving of a decanter, you should not have to ask for a one. It should be part of the service.

 Patti and I ordered filet mignon while our hubby’s ordered the Delmonico Strip. I was tempted to order the pasta, but because they are known for their steaks,  I opted for a steak! I ordered mine medium-rare. I used to be a well done kinda of girl, and am usually medium now. However, we were at a steakhouse and I thought I would try my steak they way experts say it is meant to be cooked for optimal flavor. I had few bites into my fliet and was a little disappointed. I could not taste any seasoning, and needed sauce to go with it. I ordered a side of bernaise sauce. A few bites in I realized mine was not medium-rare. Patti got my medium-rare steak and I got hers that was cooked medium. She had already eaten several bites and realized what happened, as I mentioned mine was not cooked correctly. We switched steaks, and we said something to our server. He just shrugged his shoulders.  The service was a little disappointing. Mistakes  happen, and we try to be understanding. We just felt that at a restaurant known for steaks the correct steak  should be given to the right person, and if not at a minimum fix it. It was a little upsetting to pay a premium for a filet that I was only able to eat half of. Patti told Joe and I not to order the creamed spinach for a side, but we did not listen to her lol. It was not very good at all and tasted more like a dip we should be eating with chips. We couldn’t be upset, because we were warned ahead of time :P.

We were all pretty full, but really enjoying each other’s company and couldn’t resist ordering carrot cake for dessert. The presentation was really pretty, and it came out warm. It was very tasty!

I am glad that I was able to experience Citizen Kane’s and with great friends. Joe and I both agreed we wouldn’t go back if it was just us, but  would certaintly go back if other friends wanted to.

Until our next dinner date :),

Lisa Annie



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